White-Hearted Scarlet Devil Mansi🌕n Summer M🌕🌕n Mystery Sch🌕🌕l Club
Some people ask… what does it mean to be a “Lunarian”. Well golly shucks, I’m here to answer that for ya! <3 Have a good time, but remember: there is danger in the Summer Moon above!
🌕. There are no truths.
The world is arranged into macrocosms and microcosms which reflect the functionality and state of that which they contain as well as that which contains them. The Universe is like a Man, a Man is like a Cell, a Cell is like an Atom. In other words, “as is Above, so is Below.”
And as is Left, so too is Right. There is no light without darkness, nor presence without absence. Creation will always bring Destruction and Destruction will always bring Creation, so they are simply sides of the same coin. To love One is to love the Other.
A cup cannot exist without an empty space to keep liquids. It is the absence of solid mass that gives the cup its presence. One must find time to celebrate that which exists and that which does not in equal measure, for both existence and oblivion require one another as a point of reference.
“Everything in the world is exactly the same!”
The physical world exists in your mind which exists in the physical world. All things within the physical world are conscious, because they are made of consciousness. Look at the chart. On the left is consciousness, the only thing that you can directly perceive. To the right is the Mind, which Consciousness Sees. To the right of that is the World. Everything feeds into Consciousness, because Consciousness is Everything. Spirit is the perception of that which is opaque to Consciousness, the Whole.
Ideas are real! There is nothing that is not real. Everything real exists in your mind, and everything that exists in your mind is real.
“What is Spirit if not Consciousness? What is Consciousness if not Spirit?” The fundamental aspect of the Universe, of Life, of Nature itself is Consciousness, which is Spirit! Everything possesses Spirit, and not just Spirit but also spirits! Spirits inhabit everything, from streams to oceans, trees to forests, children to families, mountains to mountain ranges, and even man made creations such as buildings, cities, and highways, and even from planets to solar systems and beyond! In all things there is Spirit, and from Spirit springs Consciousness! Everything is alive, from every level below and every level above!
“All things in life are cycles!” All things oscillate from one end of a scale to another over time. Creation to destruction, life to death, high to low. These ends are not opposites, they are pairs that must be unified.
“Never believe dogma.”
The truth that can be fully known is not the eternal truth!
Principles/concepts (notes, rough draft, ineloquent):
Cyclical time
Everything is consciousness
Reincarnation is real
Dogma & doctrine are evil
Nature is holy
Everything is alive
The tree of life is the best representation of the world spirit
Man is the Shepherd & Warden of Earth as well as her Personification, and thus is the guider all living beings of Earth comes the moral responsibility to guide and protect Nature
Anti-Factory Farming
Pro-Raw Milk
Pro Responsible Natalism
I hate the Anti-Moon
Advocate for food grown bio-dynamically
Every niche must be filled
Use your own direct experience as the source of your wisdom
Lunar Calendar
Months start on the full moon
Lesser Gods
Lorax (Avatar of the Forests)
Gondola (Avatar of Wu-Wei)
Our Lady Scarlet (Avatar of The Scarlet Moon)
Greater Gods
Food Beliefs
Avoid pesticides
Avoid processed foods
If you’re eating a ruminant animal it should be grass fed
Good food makes YOU feel good
Bad food makes you feel BAD.
Prefer local food ALWAYS over anything with a complex supply chain
The less ingredients the better
Are you guys racist?
While many people within this sphere may consider themselves racist, mostly due to the word having truly lost its meaning due its over usage as a pejorative, nobody is truly hateful towards other races. The sentiment can be surmised as “Every colour has its place, an ethnic home for every race.” Being a Mystery School deeply interested in human biodiversity, you will find an extremely wide array of respect and admiration for foreign cultures, along with a bit of bantz too. That is not to say that Summer Moon condones impotent hate, and strongly disavows irrational hatred and impolite xenophobia. We believe that what works for one people might not work for another, and that’s okay, and that all folk have the right for their own folk’s self determination and sovereignty. It would be improper to not address the fact that this is mostly an Anglophonic group with North European ancestry and we would like to keep it this way. Any folk that is interested in this stuff is encouraged to create their own Mystery School and look into their own ancestral folk faiths. As it stands currently, there is only one other adjacent mystery school known as ‘Beriginia’ for people of Amero-Hispanic & Mediterranean origins. Peace and love to all races, no hate, live laugh love.
Are you guys Hindu?
One of the most common misconceptions due to the slogan “Read the Vedas” and “Read the Rigveda” is that we are Hindus. We are not in-fact Hindus, and the Rigveda only comprises the only book within the academically recognised Hindu canon that is placed without Our Canonical Booklist. The reason we add the Rigveda to our Holy Books and focus on it so much is simple, Edda and Veda are cognate as are many of the Gods. However, the Eddas & many other Nordic Sagas were transcribed much much longer by Christian Monks with the Eddas themselves being transcribed in the 1200s A.D. The Rigveda was written likely somewhere 4,000 years ago around 2,000 B.C. but the stories contain astrological phenomena that would have only been possible much earlier, making the actual oral tradition of the Rigveda much longer. For this reason alone, the Rigveda is invaluable to us because it is the best crystalised version of the faith that our ancestors had many thousands of years ago. Through comparative analysis with other Indo-European (Aryan) oral and written traditions, a beautiful picture can be painted from which we can start to replicate the impulses of our ancestors. Tl;dr: We are NOT Hindus, the Rigveda is merely important to us as we are Proto-Indo-European Faith Revivalists.
PS: The Hindu English speaking community hates us for a myriad of reasons, which makes the accusations of being Hindu even funnier. They hate us because we claim that the tellers of the Rigveda were tellers of the Eddas, and they also hate us because we use English translations of the Rigveda and read it ourselves, instead letting a guru advise us on what is inside.
Are you guys Nazis? Right-wingers? Communists?
The Summer Moon Mystery School is just that, a Mystery School. We are not a political group, nor an organisation. While individual members and fellow-travelers may have their own political beliefs, no one single political belief (or any belief for that matter see: ‘What do you guys believe?’) represents everyone and we as a whole have no interest in politics beyond spectator sport. While some may incorrectly view us as being a Right-Wing group, typically Right-Wing groups dislike us just as much as Left-Wing ones. The lesson here is, if you can’t fit into a box, the boxes themselves will assign you to their antecedent.
What do you guys believe?
The Mystery School has no internal dogma, no official tenets, no single shared core belief except perhaps, the belief in God. This however can mean any number of things to whomever you ask. Owing somewhat in impulse to the tradition of the 17th century Quakers, we disavow any centralised form or worship and belief system. The Mystery School is about exploring mystery and your personal relationship with God.
What do you guys do?
We shitpost, we talk. It’s really that simple. We do not masquerade as some professional academic nor scientific organisation, nor a devout and pious religious organisation. We are simply put, just people looking to have a good time while plainspokenly and earnestly discussing matters of Mystery. We disavow pretentious, longwinded and obscure esotericism, and prefer an approach that follows the idea ‘As is above, so is below’ with relation to the metaphysical and physical. Owing to this belief, we generally believe, though not unanimously, that ‘esoteric’ things have easily understood, plainspoken explanations. Folk belief and tradition is not haughty and obscure, or ‘occult’, but lay, simple, and plainspoken.
Where does the Club exist? How do I join?
The internet, of course. The club is not a physical club, but a fellow traveling one. Anyone can join the Summer Moon Mystery School and become a Lunarian, however not everyone will accept you as one if you do decide to ‘join’. While not entirely closed off, the Summer Moon Mystery School believes in polite gatekeeping and a culture of “lurk moar” as it is a unique culture that does not wish to be washed away to outsiders. Think of the club as a lighthouse for like minded people, once you have arrived at the lighthouse it’s up to you what to do, we just hope we can bring people together, and direct people to interesting and spiritually useful information. Regardless, schisms are welcomed and encouraged, disagreements are the spark of life that help bring people closer to God, if everyone believed the same things it would be boring, we are merely a guiding light, nothing more.